In this lesson, we are going to learn to play guitar with no experience necessary. Anything can be learned nowadays. Just go to YouTube and start learning. And if you need more than that as far as training goes, you can purchase a method book or an online course.
Or, if you need a bit more personalized instruction, you can find a teacher of just about any subject who will teach you online in the comfort of your own home. Some might even offer to come to your home “physically” and teach you.
So, is it possible to learn how to play guitar with no experience necessary? Of course, it is. You just have to have the desire and willingness to make it happen.
Learning to play an instrument (no matter which one it is) is far easier today than it ever has been. This is because of the power of the internet and YouTube. DwaynesGuitarLessons
Although it is not YouTube, method books, or online courses that matter the most. It is your desire to learn and your willingness to do the work necessary to succeed. If you don’t have those two things, all the training in the world won’t help.
The Desire To Lean
This is the starting point of all achievement. You must have a burning desire to learn and accomplish something. Anything. In this case, learning to play an instrument. Without this, you will fail. Because you won’t stick with the journey to the end. And whether you believe it or not, learning to play an instrument is a journey.
Willingness To Do The Work
This is the kicker right here. Accomplishment of anything takes work. especially learning to play an instrument. Only those willing to do the work will succeed. It’s that simple. Do you want to succeed? You’ve got to be willing to do the work.
This is where a lot of people fail to reach their destination. They have unrealistic expectations of what it takes to learn to play an instrument. They get excited, start on the journey, and then quickly realize it is going to take patience, persistence, dedication, and commitment.
Once they find that out, 99% quit. It is the 1% that succeeded. So, the question is, who will you be? The 99% who fail, or the 1% who succeed?
Find The Right Training
If you have the two requirements stated above then you’re most of the way there already. You just now need to find the right training. Now, if you want to learn the keyboards, not much I can do for you there. But if you are interested in learning to play the guitar, I can help you out.
Method Books
These are a great way to learn. Because they are written in a simple step-by-step system that teaches you exactly what you need to know. This allows for two things:
A fun way of learning & quicker results.
The reason for this is that you learn what is needed in a specific order. This produces a clear and straight path to your desired result. This is how I learned and why I authored and published method books of my own. Currently available on Amazon.
Learn To Play Acoustic Guitar Learn To Play Electric Guitar
These two method books will teach you everything you need to know to get started playing guitar. No matter if it’s acoustic or electric. You will be able to play guitar chords, read notation, and understand basic music theory. You will also develop patience, self-confidence, and much, much more.
These are a great way to learn because you get to go at your own pace and learn when is best for your schedule. You have my teaching 24/7/365. An excellent way to get started taking guitar lessons.
Online Courses
These are another great way to learn to play the guitar. They are like the method books but provide video lessons. This is great because you can now see the instructor. This can be a huge benefit to your learning and getting quick results. That is if the instruction isn’t too fast.
This is one of the issues I see with watching videos on YouTube. Most of the people there are not actual teachers. They haven’t learned the skill of breaking down concepts and explaining techniques in such a way they are easy to learn. So their training is a little bit to be desired.
Although most are good and very valuable. And besides, YouTube is free, so why complain right Anyway, I also created an online course for students who are just starting. No matter if it is the acoustic or the electric.
Learn Guitar 101 MasterClass is a training course designed for the absolute beginner. With no previous musical knowledge needed. A simple step-by-step system of learning designed to get the novice up and running quickly and easily.
With short and to-the-point video lessons that are easy to digest. Providing practical application of concepts and techniques anyone with desire can master. Learn to play the guitar with no experience necessary.
Private Guitar Instruction
This is probably the best way to learn. Private guitar Instruction. I offer this option as well. Teach students of all ages and skill levels. Create customized lesson plans that cater to the individual student. This allows for fun learning and student retention.
I offer a multitude of options. In the studio, in the student’s home, or online lessons via Zoom and so on. These last two options allow you to learn in the comfort of your own home. Designed around your schedule and your interests. An excellent way to learn with no pressure.
My Personal Assistance
So if you’d like to learn, here are a few options that can get you started. In addition to that, if you purchase my books or online course you will have me at your assistance.
If you have any questions about a lesson or get stuck on something, you can contact me and I will be happy to help at absolutely no extra charge. Just my way of saying thank you for supporting my creativity and my lessons.
Best of luck, and thanks for reading.
Sincerely, Dwayne Jenkins
Dwayne’s Guitar Lessons