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Learn How To Use Octave Chords To Improve Your Guitar Playing

If you learn how to use octave chords to improve your guitar playing, it will also help you to understand music better 100%. Guaranteed! That is because octave chords have many applications that can benefit your guitar playing. No matter if you play rhythm guitar or lead guitar. I recommend you add octave chords to your musical vocabulary.

What are octave chords?

Octave chords are a two-note chords. this chord is made up of two notes that are the same, just an octave apart. So for instance, if you were playing a C octave chord, the notes would both be C. This goes for any octave chord you choose to play. The two notes will always be the same.

These types of chords can do two things right off the bat:

*They can add another easy chord shape to your chord vocabulary

*They can improve your memory of note location along the fretboard

The second thing can be a huge benefit to your pay as it will allow you to find notes faster.  It will also increase your understanding of how to create extended chords because you’ll know exactly where the added notes are located. This will be done quickly and easily due to knowing octaves.

Reading octave chords

Let’s look at a few octave chords in print.

Octave Chords written in tab

Here you can see we have two notes on two different strings. If you study closely you can also see that the number value is two higher than the original note. What I mean by this is that when you have a 3, the octave is going to be a 5. If you have a 7, the octave number is going to be 9. If you have a 6, the octave number is going to be?

You can also see that the octave note is two strings apart. So if you are on the 3rd fret of the sixth string, the octave note will be two frets up (5) and two strings down.  On the fourth string. Your biggest string (the sixth string) will always be on the bottom of the sheet music.

The reason for this is that the lowest note will always be on the bottom. So in retrospect, you need to look at the sheet music like your strings are upside down. I know, it’s confusing but I didn’t design it. I only teach it. Anyway, try learning it from a lefty perspective like me. But not to worry, if I can figure it out, so can you.

Watch the video lesson below

Music Education

One of the things that you should always be striving for when learning how to play guitar, is increasing your music education. The more you know about the notes that make up the musical alphabet, and what to do with them to create what you choose, the better understanding you’ll have of the tools you are working with.

Not knowing where the notes are located on the guitar is a very common problem among guitar players because most of them play by ear or never bother to take the time to learn where the notes are on the fretboard. You want to be better than them. By studying octaves and creating octave chords, you’ll be able to not only understand the fretboard better, but you’ll be able to find notes licitly split! You’ll amaze people with this newfound skill.

Chord embellishment theory

By learning the octaves and knowing exactly where they are on all six strings, you’ll be able to develop the skill of understanding, chord embellishment theory. This is the science of building guitar chords. Understand this enough and you’ll be able to build any type of guitar chord you choose. Major, minor diminished, augments, etc, etc, etc.

Information like this can be very beneficial in music composition and songwriting. If you like to write your songs, this is a great skill to have. Knowing how to create different types of emotion is what music is all about. N matter what instrument or what style you choose to play. Emotion is everything! Master the notes, and you’ll be able to create emotion at will!

Rhythm guitar mastery

When it comes to playing guitar, rhythm is most important. The ability to create chords, chord progressions, strumming patterns, arpeggiated picking and all within the proper timing is the foundation of playing guitar. 

Sure it’s fun to play guitar solos, but even so, you still need a solid understanding of rhythm.

That is why I authored and self-published my guitar book Learn To Play Rhythm Guitar.

Learn To Play Rhythm Guitar Paperback.  Dwayne Jenkins

Learn To Play Rhythm Guitar is a comprehensive training course. A step-by-step method book that is designed for anyone with the desire to learn. Even if you have no previous musical knowledge.

You will learn to master concepts and principles that will lead to building a solid musical foundation that all future learning can stand on. Even if you already play guitar, you can still learn new musical concepts from this course.

When you learn to play rhythm guitar you acquire a sense of timing. You develop the skills of patience, persistence, determination, and self-discipline. These are skills that can highly benefit you in other areas of your life. Not to mention such skills as hand-to-hand coordination, eye-to-hand coordination, sight reading, ear training, and the understanding of music theory.

Learn such things as:

  1. How to hold the guitar properly
  2. What chords to start with
  3. How to strum and arpeggiate those chords
  4. How to create rhythm and develop timing
  5. How to read guitar notation and diagrams
  6. How to understand the basics of music theory
  7. How to develop practice habits
  8. How to build self-confidence
  9. And much, much more.

No prior music knowledge needed

This helpful handbook has been designed to give you a clear and concise method of study that will propel you forward at an alarming rate. With everything laid out easy and simple, no prior music knowledge will be needed. Because of this, you will be able to develop confidence.

Since music theory is a vital part of learning to be a highly productive alchemist, the basics of it will be presented for your development and the best understanding of the craft. This will allow you to develop a solid foundation of these concepts and principles.

As a rhythm guitar alchemist, you will be learning the sacred properties and formulas that are needed to create rhythm guitar magic! Notes, diagrams, timing sequences, progressions, theory, and much much more. All things that will make your rhythm guitar playing appealing to the ear of your listener.

Unlocking the mysteries

The search for unlocking the mysteries of your guitar fretboard is what guitar playing is all about. That is why you can play the instrument for years because there are many many mysteries to uncover. Rhythm Guitar Alchemy helps you to do that.

But it takes time, consistent effort, dedication, and commitment on the part of the player (you) to unlock these mysteries. With the help of the proper training, you’ll know where to look and how to understand the techniques needed to create great music as a rhythm guitar alchemist.

Lesson conclusion

As you can see from this lesson, there are many benefits you can get from learning your octave chords. Just follow the examples in the tab I wrote out and find them. The concept also works on the fifth string. One note will be on the fifth string and the other note will be on the third-string two frets up.

These and other concepts like them will help you to further your understanding of the language of music. Remember, music is a language and like all other languages, the better you know it, (reading, writing, etc) the better you’ll be able to get your ideas across.

And if more personalized help is needed, I offer private one-on-one guitar instruction. Customized lessons that cater to your interests and skill level. These are taught Online (around the world) through Zoom, Google & FaceTime. Or In-Person throughout the Denver Metro area.

So if either of these two options work for you, feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience and we'll set up a free consultation and get you on the schedule.

Thanks for reading and best of luck with your guitar playing.

Sincerely, Dwayne Jenkins