In this lesson, we are going to learn, how the chromatic scale and scale note intervals can skyrocket your playing. Because when it comes to creating jaw-dropping guitar solos, you must know your scales. The chromatic scale and major scale are the best to start with.
You’ll learn to understand the sacred formula that allows you to see very clearly what notes make up the scale. This is very important because without it you’ll be lost on what to play and where to play it.
The Chromatic Scale.
It all starts with the chromatic scale. Every note on the fretboard or every note in the musical alphabet. This consists of 12 notes. A-G#. All notes are right next to each other spanning 12 frets. This is important to know so that you can find the sharps and flats within the scale.
Out of the chromatic scale, we take 8 notes to create a major scale. This is the scale that is the most familiar because of the Do Ra Me that we learned as a kid in grade school. The reason for this is because this is like the trunk of the musical tree. All scales and chord progressions branch out from here.
The Major Scale.
So if the major scale is in the trunk of the musical tree then the chromatic scale would be the roots. Because everything comes out of the chromatic scale. Then moves onto the major scale and so forth from there. If there are 12 notes in the musical alphabet (the chromatic scale) then the major scale has 8 notes. These 8 notes are taken directly out of the chromatic scale.
Just like words are created out of our regular 26-letter alphabet, so is such with our musical alphabet. We start with the major scale. And this goes for any key no matter if it is major or minor. In each major scale, there are also roots to be aware of as well. These are the notes that will stand out when you’re creating guitar solos.
For example. Let’s say we use the key of A major. The 8 notes in this key will be A-B-C#-D-E-F#-G#-A. These are the 8 notes previously mentioned. We can see they are notes taken out of the musical alphabet to create the A major scale. We also can see that some of the letters are sharp (#) this is because they need to fit within the Do-Ra-Me format to sound harmoniously correct.
Major scale intervals.
After learning the 8 notes that make up the major scale (and for this example, we are using the A major scale) we want to learn about the major scale intervals. This is the distance between the notes. This is very important information to know because it allows us to not only understand the scale better but also allows us to create any major scale we choose.
A distance of one fret is considered a “half step” and a distance of two frets is considered a “whole step” and by knowing this sacred incantation, we can discover “why” the notes in the major scale areas such. It is because of this little nugget of knowledge, that allows us to find out what the sacred formula is for the major scale. Any major scale!
Secret scale formula.
Since we now know about half steps and whole steps and what they represent, we can find the secret formula. The A Major key once again is A-B-C#-D-E-F#-G#-A. The reason why it is these notes is because it must be diatonically correct to sound right to the ear. This sound is Do Ra Me Fa So LaTe Do. Notice how there are 8 notes and 8 syllables. Each note relates to a syllable. Notice how there are two A’s and two Do’s in the syllables and letter equation?
Now let’s give these a number value.
A B C# D E F# G# A
Do Ra Me Fa So La Te Do
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
If we look at our musical alphabet we can see that there is a distance of two notes (a whole step) between A & B. That is because we have an A# in between. So that tells us that between the 1st and 2nd note in the scale is a whole step.
We can also see that between the B & C# is also a whole step because there is a C note in between. But between the C# and D, there is no other note so we can conclude that this is a half-step. So, up to this point, we have a W-W-H in the secret formula.
Do you understand this concept?
Between the D and E is another whole step, between the E & F# there is a whole step, and between the F# & G# is another whole step. We can come to this conclusion by looking at the notes in the musical alphabet and how they line up. And between the F# & G note is another half step. So now we have the whole major scale “secret formula” which works for any major scale.
A B C# D E F# G# A
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
w w h w w w h
We now have the whole secret formula and can create the A major scale at will! If you get this down well enough you’ll be able to create any major scale. Because it works for all of them. If you get the concept down well enough, you’ll be able to create major scales, minor scales, harmonic scales, diminished scales, etc, etc, etc.
That is the beauty of this sacred knowledge. It allows you to create guitar magic at will!! Now that my friend is the power of Lead Guitar Wizardry!
Lead Guitar Wizardry
Lead Guitar Wizardry is back with more how-to guitar-playing instructions that will have you rocking like Jimmy Page. Jam-packed with simple diagrams and clear explanations, this training manual lets you practice at a pace that’s right for you.
You’ll learn the secret formulas and techniques that provide the foundation of rock guitar as if you were taking private lessons with this basic course. You’ll learn:
1. How to play your guitar solo you create yourself (your friends will be cheering for more)
2. The lead guitar solo techniques of musical greats that you commonly hear in songs
3. The modern step-by-step method to pick up axe skills faster than you thought possible.
From finger exercises to scales and basic music theory, this is the how-to guide to help anyone who’s dedicated enough to put in the effort to learn the sacred art of lead guitar.
Lesson Conclusion.
In this lesson, we have learned some very important skills. What the musical alphabet is, how many letters it is made up of, and how to use certain notes to create a major scale. Any major scale. In addition to that, we have learned how to determine what notes are in a major scale (any major scale) by knowing the secret scale formula.
Knowing this information will give us insight into how music works and how we can bend it to our will. How we can make it work for us to create our brand of musical magic? If you feel you need help in lead guitar playing, be sure to grab my book on the topic. Volume 1 will introduce you to the fundamental principles needed to build a solid foundation for future learning.
In addition to all this, I also offer private guitar lessons. These can help you to progress in your learning, and get you to your desired result much faster. If you are interested in this service, be sure to reach out and I will be happy to help.
Thank you for reading and until our next lesson, take care.
Sincerely, Dwayne Jenkins