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Dwayne's Guitar Lessons Denver, CO

Learn Guitar for Increased Brain Power Benefits

Learn guitar for increased brainpower benefits. It has been proven time & time again that there are benefits to learning how to play guitar. Did you know that? Yeah, it does. Scientific research has shown that it helps your mental health in many ways than one. And is very important for your everyday activities of life. Here are a few examples to prove this theory.

Eye-Hand Coordination Improvement:

This is a skill that we use constantly in our everyday lives and probably don’t even realize it because we do it without even thinking about it. Learning to play guitar helps keep this skill up to par due to coordinating the two hands when strumming rhythms or rocking out hot guitar solos. Not to mention looking at the fretboard in doing so or trying to read sheet music. All incorporate improved eye-hand coordination.


Motor Skills Enhancement:

We also use motor skills every day in all aspects of our lives as well in just about everything we do. Learning to play guitar is widely known to help improve these skills and keep them sharp. When playing guitar you are improving your motor skills by working with multiple concepts that make up laying the instrument. Strumming, forming chords, reading tabs, playing melody lines. So this is a good reason for learning guitar.

Confidence & Self-Esteem Builder:

We need to have confidence in ourselves to enjoy life. Every day we wake up we need to have something we feel good about to get us through the day in a positive manner. Once again it is widely known for a fact, that learning guitar helps to accomplish this. When you learn to play guitar and play the music that makes you feel good it raises your confidence level. When people see your accomplishment it builds your self-esteem and makes you want to continue. What better reason to learn guitar?

Increased Ability To Focus:

Focus is another thing we use every day in our lives. Focus on where we are at, focus on where we are going, and focus on where we have been. Playing the guitar helps to increase this because there is so much focus necessary when playing music. No matter if it focuses on what the two hands are doing, reading music, or playing a 5-minute song. The focus is necessary and playing guitar helps improve this without a doubt!

Memory Retention:

Memory is part of the brain that we use every day as well. And this faculty of the brain must be exercised daily for us to remember. Without it, we wouldn’t remember where we live, what our name is, or what we need to do for the day. Playing the guitar helps this every day as well. When learning guitar you are learning a lot of different things that need to be remembered. Like chords voicing, scales, fretboard anatomy, and ultimately, your favorite songs. Believe me, guitar playing helps to increase memory function and is a great reason to learn it.

Build Social Skills:

This is one of the most important functions we need to develop as human beings on this planet. Without it, we can’t express ourselves through vocal communication. Playing the guitar helps develop this skill greatly. It allows you to express yourself in a unique way most people can’t and it allows you to get your ideas across to people if you decide to play with others. No matter if it’s a small resemble or a large group. Learning guitar has proven time and time again to help improve social and communication skills.

Getting Started:

Once you've got it figured out that it is a good idea to learn guitar and how it can benefit you personally, you want to get started. And no better way than through one of my books that I have authored and self-published. I recommend starting with my book,

Learn Guitar: Simple Guitar Method For Beginners

Learn Guitar: Simple Guitar Method For Beginners Dwayne Jenkins

This book will teach you all you need to know to get started and then some. As you progress with your learning, you can get other books and courses, or even private one-on-one instruction. The main thing is getting started on the journey of self-improvement. And this book can be an excellent starting point.

Lesson Conclusion:

So there you have it a few reasons why you should learn the guitar. There are many more, but these are just to name a few. When you take on the journey of learning to play an instrument all these things help improve your life in every way. Not to mention that there is no cooler instrument on the planet to learn than the guitar! And when you talk rock guitar, I believe that goes without saying.

So why not take some time and learn how to play guitar and improve your well-being? Take it from me, you’ll discover things within yourself you never knew existed. Until our next lesson, take care. As always, if you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

Sincerely, Dwayne Jenkins

Dwayne's Guitar Lessons