In this lesson, we are going to learn to play barre chords. This is how you play further up the fretboard. This requires all four fingers and will unlock many mysteries of the guitar fretboard.
When you play natural or open chords, you play around the first few frets. These are a great way to build skill in your fingers because they change shape. But barre chords are different as they stay the same shape, and move up and down the fretboard.
Watch the video lesson below
Barre across all strings
The reason they are called barre chords is that you are required to barre across all six strings with your index finger. This acts as a moveable nut. This is what the strings go through at the top of the fretboard.
This is also sometimes done by using a capo. You know, that thing they clamp on the guitar neck. But to create a moveable capo, you need to use your index finger to barre across the strings. This creates the infamous barre chords.
Move up and down the fretboard
Once you have the barre chord shape down. Which is not easy in the beginning. You then need to work at moving it. This is also not the easiest thing to do as it requires you to move all four fingers.
Once you can do that. You start to expand your knowledge of the guitar fretboard. Not to mention, that in the future you will be able to create a lot of other chords easily.
Reading notation
The hardest thing about barre chords is getting the shape down. That is because it requires all four fingers to make the chord shape. Which is not always easy to do. It takes time to develop the muscles to form it and keep it formed long enough to move it.
You then want to be able to recognize it in music notation. As in a barre chord diagram. These are the same as the open chord diagrams. They just show the barre chord shape.
Take breaks when learning
Barre chords are hard to get down at first. So don’t strain yourself trying to play them. Let nature take its course. When working on forming barre chords, you will need to take breaks from time to time. This is normal.
Remember, the muscles need time to develop. So be sure to take breaks when learning these types of chords. Don’t push it. If your hand needs a break, give it one. Work on something else and come back to it. Over time the pain will go away and you will start to get results from playing barre chords.
Additional training
If you’d like to learn more about how your guitar playing can benefit from barre chords, I recommend you get the book I authored and self-published on Amazon. Learn To Play Rhythm Guitar.
Learn To Play Rhythm Guitar is a comprehensive training course for beginners. A step-by-step method book that is designed for anyone with the desire to learn. Even if you have no previous musical knowledge.
You will learn to master concepts and principles that will lead to building a solid musical foundation that all future learning can stand on. Even if you already play guitar, you can still learn new musical concepts from this course.
In addition to all that, if you purchase this book or any of my other ones, you will have access to my assistance. If you have questions about a lesson or get stuck on a lesson, you can contact me and I will be happy to help you at no extra charge.
My way of saying thank you and make sure you get the desired result you’re looking for in the shortest amount of time possible. So if you’re serious about learning to play the guitar, get the book today and start having fun.
Best of luck and thanks for reading.
Sincerely, Dwayne Jenkins