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How To Get Your Fingers In Shape With Exercises And Hand Warm-Ups

In this lesson, we will learn how to get your fingers in shape with exercises and hand warm-ups. When it comes to playing guitar, you want to make sure you do what athletes do, you warm up and get your fingers in shape. This is important for forming and holding guitar chords and playing guitar scales.

By working on effective exercises for developing your finger dexterity and independent finger motion. This is very important to develop for playing such things as barre chords (which use all fingers and can be very challenging to form and play) as well as for extended chords like add7#9 which can demand finger stretches.


These are just a couple of examples of how finger exercises and hand warm-ups can help to improve while learning guitar. So let’s look at a few examples that can get your hands and fingers in shape, ready to tackle those tricky guitar parts.


Example #1

Finger exercise #1


In this example, you want to use all four fingers and start on the 6th string. One finger per fret. Index finger on 1, second finger on 2, and so on. This will help you to develop a stretch for your fingers. It might be a bit challenging at first, but if you apply yourself like a true warrior who wants to get better, I guarantee it will pay dividends in the end.


Example #2

Finger exercise #2


In this example, you start on the 1st string at the 5th fret. Once again use all four fingers and go across all strings. This will be a bit easier than the first one and feel a bit different because you’re starting on the first string instead of the sixth. It will also help you to train your ear to hear certain notes.


Example #3

Finger Exercise #3


In this example, you keep the fret positioning the same but you change up your fingers. Instead of doing 1 2 3 4, you want to do 1, 3, 2, 4. This will allow you to develop finger independence. Not to mention your brain needs to think differently as well. This is the discipline that is needed to accomplish what I stated in the first paragraph of this lesson


To play certain things on the guitar, your fingers and hands need to be disciplined and can do whatever you need them to do. Some chords can be difficult to form and certain scales and guitar licks will require advanced finger discipline.


Finger exercise conclusion

This is just the nature of the instrument. The guitar is a wonderful instrument in the fact that you can approach it from many different aspects. But to do certain things on it (the cool stuff) your hands and fingers need to be disciplined. Especially if you want to play guitar styles like flamenco or classical guitar. These are very disciplined arts.


Even if you just want to play simple chords, it’s always a good idea to warm up your hands, wrists, and fingers. And these examples along with many others (I’m sure you can figure out more on your own) will help you to do just that.  Keep your guitar hands in shape. Just like a runner or any other type of physical activity. Keep yourself in shape and you will come out a winner.


One more thing,

Now, if you are interested in learning more about what to do once you learn exercises and hand warm-ups to get your fingers in shape. And more about the process of developing them, you can check out some of the books that I’ve published on playing guitar.


Rock Guitar 101

Rock Guitar 101


This is a great starter book for beginners who want to get up and running quickly in the art of rock guitar. It’s a very simple book that covers the fundamentals in 7 easy to understand lessons. With full-color pictures and diagrams for quick study and solid foundation development.


Learn Guitar Simple Guitar Method


A simple step-by-step method for beginners is an easy study for those who want to learn either electric or acoustic guitar. This book teaches the fundamental principles needed to get started on the right path to guitar-playing success.


A starter guidebook designed for the total beginner with everything you need to start having fun playing guitar today. No matter your age. This book can benefit you with full-color pictures and diagrams for quick learning and fast results. This book will get you playing and having fun in no time.


Lead Guitar Wizardry

Lead Guitar Wizardry volume 1. Dwayne Jenkins


This book is designed for those looking to head down the path of lead guitar playing. A comprehensive course on the inner workings of lead guitar playing. From finger exercises to picking techniques, scale patterns, and fretboard knowledge. Lead Guitar Wizardry will show you the secret formulas, and incantations used by lead guitar wizards to create jaw-dropping guitar solos that will capture the listener with magic.


So if you are interested in improving your guitar playing in any of these areas, I recommend you pick up one of my books on Amazon. They come in both digital and paperback formats. As always, if you have any questions about anything that I have taught in these lessons on my site or in my books, feel free to reach out. That is what I’m here for. 

I also offer private guitar lessons that can help you to excel in your guitar playing. If this is of interest to you, reach out and I will be happy to help.


Thanks for reading and best of luck in your studies.

Sincerely, Dwayne Jenkins

Dwayne Jenkins standing in studio