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How To Find Any Major Scale When Playing Guitar

In this lesson, we are going to learn how to find any major scale when playing guitar. This is a skill all guitarists should know and the reason this is so important to learn is that they are the foundational building blocks of music. So learning a lesson in this area of the guitar will benefit your playing. For this lesson, we are going to use the scale of C Major.

What makes the major scale fun, is that the notes become the “Do Ra Me” we all know from either school or movies. If you’ve heard this Do Ra Me before it is because it represents the major scale. We use the C major scale for this example because it has no sharps or flats in the notes. Any major scale is made up of 8 notes. By knowing how to find these 8 notes, you can find any scale for creating an unlimited arrangement of possibilities.


If we look at the C Major scale, we start on C and go through the alphabet we get the notes C D E F G A B C. As you can see, no sharps or flats. Easy to understand. If we give each note a number value we get 1-8. The C is the 1 the B is the 2, C is the 3, and so forth. Up to 8 notes (the 8th note representing the 1 of the next octave) and these 8 notes in all keys are what you want to master!

8 Notes Of The C Major Scale:


C   D  E  F G A  B  C = Notes

1   2  3  4  5  6  7  8 = Numbers

Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do = Syllables


This works with all Scales. Major or minor. They just have different notes because of the difference in keys, but the formula stays the same.  Master this. Remember it. It will serve you well throughout your guitar study.


How To Find The Major Scale

Any major scale can be found on the guitar on any fret on any string if you just know the formula! That’s right, the musical formula! The way it works is simple. One fret represents a “1/2” step. So for example, if we moved from a B note to a C note which is right next to it, that would be considered a 1/2 step. If we move two frets, that would be considered a “Whole” Step.


The major scale can be broken down into a formula that uses this information. The Major scale formula using 1/2 & whole steps are.  W-W-H-W-W-W-H. This magical formula will allow you to find any scale on any fret on any string. Let’s look at it in more detail.


Key= C Notes = C D E F G A B C Formula = W-W-H-W-W-W-H


W E H F W G W A W B H C As you can see in the formula, the notes line up. In the scale, we have an E & F which are next to each other & line up perfectly with the formula as notes 3 & 4. That has a half step between them. This works every time, on any string on any fret. Master this formula and you’ll be able to enhance your music theory & fretboard knowledge.

The more you understand how your notes work concerning each other, the better you are going to be able to create music. The better you are going to understand how it all fits together & works in harmony. That is why it is so important to learn how to find the notes on any major scale. Then expand on it by flattening the third & 7th & finding the minor scale note formula. It’s a science & this secret information allows you to have musical insights that many guitarists do not.


Why Start With The C Major Scale?

We start with the C Major scale because it is easy to understand & allows us a simple place to start building our musical foundation. Once you learn the C major scale you can then (with the formula that you learned in this lesson) move on to other scales. G A D E etc.


By mastering this formula, you’re going to open doors to how music works & how the notes fit together to not only form scales but chords as well. You master this formula & many others that the guitar holds, & you’ll be able to skyrocket above the crowd.


But it does take time. You must put in the work. It doesn’t happen overnight. But if you work on it a little each day, you’ll see it benefit you in other areas of your learning. Be patient & have a steady stride. This will allow you to learn in a fun & enjoyable manner.


Additional training

If you’ve gone through this lesson & understood the importance of knowing your notes, you’ll see how easily you can find your notes in the major (& minor as well) scale all over the fretboard which will allow you to build chords, play unique interesting rhythms, scales & melody lines that are unique to you & your sound. As well as give you insight into how the “Masters” used them. But that’s for another lesson.


But that is what we are going for. Learning the techniques needed to create our originality as well as paying tribute to those who inspired us to play in the first place. For me, it was the Masters!!


Hendrix, Page, Clapton, Angus, Eddie, Randy, Priest, Maiden, Sabbath Kiss, Metallica, Etc, Etc, Etc. We all play the same notes on a fretboard that has six strings, it’s just how we utilize those notes on those six strings that make the difference.

Knowing some basic music theory like knowing how to find your major or minor scale anywhere on the fretboard at any time is going to propel you forward in your music. So take some time & figure out those notes. Have fun. Write it down on paper. Make a game of it.


Lesson conclusion

If you’d like to know more about how guitar scales can benefit your guitar playing, I recommend you check out the book I authored and published on Amazon:  Lead Guitar Wizardry.


Lead Guitar Wizardry. Dwayne Jenkins.


Lead Guitar Wizardry is a comprehensive training guide that lets you practice at a pace that’s right for you. You’ll learn the secret formulas & techniques that provide the foundation of rock guitar as if you were taking private lessons with this basic course.


You’ll learn,

1. How to play your guitar solo you create yourself (your friends will be cheering for more)

2. The lead guitar solo techniques of musical greats that you commonly hear in songs

3. The modern step-by-step method to pick up axe skills faster than you thought possible. From finger

exercises to scales and basic music theory.

4. This is the how-to guide to help anyone who’s dedicated enough to put in the effort to learn the sacred art of lead guitar.

All this and much, much more. By the end of this training course, you will be able to play lead guitar efficiently. In addition to all this, if you happen to purchase this book you will get my assistance. If you have questions about a lesson or get stuck somewhere, just contact me and I will be happy to help at absolutely no extra charge.

With a deal like that, how can you lose? You won’t. If you’re willing to put in the work, and me in your corner, you will reach your guitar-playing success. Guaranteed!

And if you feel private guitar lessons can help you improve, I provide that as well. This is a great way to learn as it allows you to progress at the rate that works for you. As well as reach your desired result much faster. Just contact me and we can set up a free consultation.

Thanks for reading and good luck with your learning of playing the best instrument in the world!

Sincerely, Dwayne jenkins