In this lesson, we are going to learn how to easily form and play barre chords. These can be some of the most difficult chord types to master, but the most effective to use when playing along the fretboard. Barre chords can become a lot easier to form and play when you learn these few simple training tips. Master these, and a whole new world will open up to you.
Training Tip #1 Learn The Barre
Learn to form the bar. This is done with the index finger of your fretboard hand. It would help if you got used to holding down all six strings with your index finger when playing a bar chord.
This is not easy at first. That is why it is necessary to do this technique first. Learn to form and hold the bar. This can take some time because your muscles need to be developed for you to do this.
Most people give up at this stage. But not you right? You are going to master the bar chord because you see all the benefits and uses it has when playing guitar. With a bar chord, you can switch between chords fairly easily by moving the shape up and down the fretboard. This will benefit you in many ways later down the stretch in your playing. But first, you must learn to form and hold the bar.
Training Tip #2. Learn The Power Chord
Learn the power chord. This chord will allow you to stretch your fingers out where they need to be to properly form the bar chord. By first learning how to form and play the two-string power chord, you go through a prerequisite for the infamous bar chord.
Learning the power chord first can help because it trains the fingers to be in the proper place. You need to take some time to learn to stretch out your fingers. This is an excellent way to prepare for the barre chord. Think of it as an abbreviated barre chord.
This is highly important as this chord type requires the use of all fingers. So if you first concentrate on just your index and ring finger, you can then later add your second and fourth fingers to form the whole bar chord.
Training Tip #3 Add another finger
Add another finger and move the chord up and down the fretboard. Forming the bar chord is just the first step. Once that is accomplished, it is now time to add a finger and move it up and down the fretboard.
As I said before, this is a very beneficial chord to learn. It is how you play further up the fretboard. When playing barre chords on the guitar it has so many uses and applications that can expand your playing.
When you learn how to form the barr chord, you can then choose to make it major, minor diminished, augmented, seventh, etc, etc, etc. The uses for a well-formed bar chord are endless. That is why they are very popular in playing guitar.
This must be mastered if you are to become a great guitar player. Moving the bar chord up and down the fretboard allows for easy chord changes without changing the chord shape. This is why it is so beneficial to master.
Training Tip #4 Form the whole barre chord
Once you get the power chord down with just two fingers, you can then add the other two fingers and form the whole barre chord. This will give you a full sound due to all fingers being used.
Once you have that down, move it up and down the fretboard like before with the power chord. Once you have that down, learn the notes on the 6th string to know exactly what barre chord you are playing. For instance, if you are on the third fret you are playing a G barre chord.
Barre chord Conclusion.
Take some time to learn your barre chords. It is well worth the effort. It will take some time in the beginning, but if you take it one step at a time and do these three training tips I have presented to you here.
In this lesson, you will find that you can form and play the bar chord a lot easier. You will soon discover all the wonderful things you can do with the bar chord and how it can expand your playing and spark your creativity.
Additional training guides:
If you’d like to learn more about how to improve your guitar playing with the quickest results possible, I recommend you check out the guitar books I have authored and self-published to help you do just that.
These books and more, are written in an easy step-by-step method that anyone can learn from. Even if you have no previous musical knowledge or experience. Designed to provide you with a straight-ahead path to the results you desire. No matter if you are working on rhythm, lead, theory, or just getting started.
Any of these books can help you get to where you are going faster and with a much greater understanding of musical concepts and techniques. And if more help is needed, be sure to contact me at Dwayne's Guitar Lessons and I will be happy to assist you on your journey to guitar greatness.
Thanks for taking the time to read, and best of luck.
Sincerely, Dwayne Jenkins