When it comes to playing guitar I think the most fun part to play is the lead guitar break! It’s such a cool way to express yourself! Well, that is, after you learn the essential 5 Lead Guitar Patterns To Master For Soloing that is.
There are thousands of lead guitar patterns
When playing guitar solos, you use scales or patterns as they are sometimes called. And you could spend a lifetime learning them all, but that’s not necessary. I recommend starting with the most common 5 patterns. And these are the minor pentatonic scales that you can view as patterns for easier learning. These are:
These 5 patterns can serve you very well if you take the time to learn them. They have been played by all the masters at one point or another. And if you analyze your favorite classic rock songs you hear on the radio, you will see what I am talking about.
I’m sure you know who the masters are!
Many others as well have used these patterns. They come from the blues and are patterns that can be used as building blocks for your lead guitar playing. What’s great about these patterns (scales) is that they link together and span the whole fretboard. Something like this:
The first picture is shown with the guitar fretboard facing up. This picture is the fretboard facing sideways like when you pay it and you can see how these patterns connect like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. I’d recommend learning pattern 1 first as it is the most common and once you get that mastered, work on 2, 3, and so forth.
This will hopefully inspire you
If you need help learning how to rock a hot guitar solo, I recommend you check out the book I authored.
Lead Guitar Wizardry.